New Features In The 2022 Grants Catalog

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Donors and Donations

Pacific Community Foundation is adding two new features to this catalog:

  1. A new request—Give to All, where donors make one donation, to be divided up among all the other requests
  2. A Cash Bonus three times during the month, to the request that gets the most *new* donors in each period

Read on for more details:

There are 30 requests in this year’s Grants Catalog, enough to make your head spin. So we are borrowing a good idea from other community foundations and adding a request that pays out an equal amount to all other requests. One donation in the Give To All request contributes to equal 30 payouts. This appropriately divided amount will be added to every grant check, and it will not be part of the requested total—it will be additional.

The cash bonus is another idea borrowed from community foundations around the country.

The request that gets the most new donors during the  period from December 1st to 11th will receive $1000 from PCF.  December 12th to 21st is the next period, during which the request that gets the most new donors will also receive $1,000. On December 31st, when the catalog closes, the request that gets the most new donors between December 22nd and 31st will get $1,000. Three chances, three periods, $1,000.

*New* donors are those who are first time donors to our Grants Catalog. To make this fair to everyone, including those organizations that have been in the catalog for the past few years, all donors will be considered “new donors” for the 2022 Year End Grants Catalog.

In coming years, we will change this to include only actual new donors, but for 2022, this designation will include all prior donors.

The Grants Catalog opened for donations at 12:01 a.m., December 1, 2022, and closes at midnight, December 31, 2022.

Any questions, contact PCF at

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