Grants Catalog Requests: Your Best Foot Forward

by | Nov 26, 2022 | Donors, Donors and Donations

PCF wants everyone to put their best foot forward in the Grants Catalog. Donors reading the list for the first time should easily understand what is being asked for, and why it’s important. Visuals should synch up with the words.

In 2022, we had a record number of requests submitted. Two people out of more than 30 read the guide before they started, and entered clear and concise information. We even added a few words to their long descriptions! The rest? Not clear, or concise. Or complete. And most of the time, too long.

[We wrote a guide to make this simpler for everyone. The process does not change from year to year.]

During our review process, we also check images, and encourage those that fit in squares, aren’t too small in file size, aren’t truncated top and bottom, or side to side, and are easily deciphered. In focus. Vivid. Clear.

We urge you to write concise short descriptions, 65 characters long. Not generic. Sixty-five characters that tell a story, compel, clarify. Think of this as a short elevator ride speech.

We lobby for clear long descriptions, 400 characters, including spaces. That’s the allotted space. Good descriptions state a problem and bring a solution to life. When spoken, that’s about the length of a multistory elevator ride—and that’s what this is:  a slightly longer elevator ride.

We ask for budgets, because our board needs to see how this grant request fits into your organization’s annual budget.

When your organization gets three, or five, or ten emails from us about those pesky details for your grant request, keep in mind our goal:  We want your best foot forward, reaching out to all those potential donors.

Thank you for participating in our 2022 Grants Catalog. Together, we can change lives and make a better community, and a better world.

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